Questions for
What is the role of the Local NMI President?
The role of the Local NMI President is to promote NMI in the local church in cooperation with the pastor and the church board and lead the local NMI council.
How should I run our local NMI Council?
Please see the NMI Constitution in the manual, Article V, Section 1. Click here to access the Constitution.
How do I organize a NMI Council in a small church? In a large church?
Talk with your District President about how to move forward in your specific context.
Is the local NMI president a voting member of the church board?
Yes, they are a voting member of the church board. Please see I. Local Government, K. The Local Church Board in the Manual. Click here to read.
What should I focus on in my local church?
We believe there are five key areas of Impact in which every church could participate regardless of their size, location, or language.
These are the NMI Top Five Areas of Impact: Prayer, World Evangelism Fund, Alabaster, Engaging Children and Youth, and Links.
Focusing on these five areas of impact does not diminish other areas of NMI influence. These items are stepping stones to deeper involvement in missions support through the Church of the Nazarene. They are a way to begin to become involved; they are easily understood and we are striving for them to be adaptable in every culture. We aim for each church to participate in these five areas, and then adding additional areas of connection, to match the interests and needs of each local congregation or district.
What is the Distinguished Service Award, and do we qualify for it?
Please read about the DSA here.
What is a Mission 10% church?
The Stewardship office will recognize churches that give 10 percent or more of local church income to WEF and Approved Mission Specials and that reach other giving goals (such as pensions, educational institutions, and district support where appropriate). Additionally, Stewardship will track the number of years consecutively churches reach this goal (formerly recognized as Honor Roll churches).
What is the World Evangelism Church?
Churches that give at least 5.5 percent of their income to the WEF have met the minimum goal in their support of the global mission. These churches are the lifeblood of the Church of the Nazarene’s mission to the nations.
What is a Missions Priority One church?
Missions Priority One is a way to recognize if a church has embraced the Five Areas of Impact of Nazarene Missions International: Prayer, WEF, Alabaster, Engaging Children and Youth, and Links. Click here to access the form.
What is a World Evangelism Church of Excellence?
Churches that give at least 5.7 percent, or $1,500 or more beyond 5.5 percent, whichever is less, to WEF. Click here to access the form.
How can I work better with my pastor?
Work with your district president for ideas on collaboration. They will help you navigate the relationship.