Mesoamerica council plans for future
Leaders from across the Mesoamerica Region gathered 5-6 October in Panama City, Panama, to share both the growth and challenges they have experienced in different areas of ministry over the last year.
“It is an important time when we report the challenges and successes of the previous year, while also looking forward to the vision that God has for us in the upcoming year,” said Scott Armstrong, regional Global Missions coordinator.
Prior to the council meetings, from 2-4 October there were missionary trainings, regional coordinator meetings, and meetings with the field strategy coordinators.
“The RAC is the way the local church, through ministry representatives and lay people, receive an account from the regional leadership,” said Regional Director Carlos Saenz. “They also participate in the birth of strategies that impact the region. This year for the first time we had a participant from the Dutch Field, [Rigoni Hitzert].”
The council also interviewed six Nazarene missionaries for service as commissioned missionaries with the Church of the Nazarene. They were unanimously recommended by the region and will now be considered by global leaders for commissioning in February 2019.