NTS-Peru hosts program for Awajún students

NTS-Peru hosts program for Awajún students

by | 01 Apr 2016

Nazarene Theological Seminary of Peru hosted two programs to train pastors and leaders from the Church of the Nazarene's three Awajún districts. The Awajún people are an ethnic group from the Peruvian Amazon jungle.

The first program began January 11 with a summer holiday program that concluded February 26 with a time of fellowship for those enrolled. There were 21 students registered in the program, 99 percent of whom are Awajún. The program also serves as a ministerial course update for pastors from the three Awajún districts.

The seminary's regular program began March 7 in the Nuevo Horizonte Sub-Headquarters for 18 students (of which 95 percent are Awajún) and the continuing program for graduates with a Diploma in Theology who wish to apply for a Bachelor of Theology awarded by NTS-Peru.

The Nuevo Horizonte Sub-Headquarters, located in the Amazon jungle, is an extension of NTS-Peru that serves three Awajún districts in the formation of pastors and leaders.

For a video about theological education on the Awajún districts, click here.

--Church of the Nazarene South America Region




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