Flags of the Nations: Scotland

Flags of the Nations: Scotland

Nazarene News Staff
| 07 Oct 2024

Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*. The national flags rotate weekly, and photos of them raised are sent to the church leaders of that country.

This week: Scotland

The Church of the Nazarene officially entered Scotland in 1906.

Scotland had a population of 5,436,600 in 2023. That same year, Scotland reported 17 Churches of the Nazarene, all of which had been officially organized. Scotland has 1,129 total members.

Scotland is part of the United Kingdom British Isles North district, which is a Phase 3 district. It is part of the Eurasia Region. For more information about the Eurasia Region, visit eurasiaregion.org.

* = The weekly highlighted flag is raised on the middle of three poles in compliance with U.S. government protocols. It flies to the left of the GMC host-nation United States flag, which flies above the host-state flag of Kansas. The Christian flag flies on the third pole.

The Global Ministry Center is the mission and service hub of the Church of the Nazarene.




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