Namibia Church of the Nazarene celebrates 50th anniversary

Namibia Church of the Nazarene celebrates 50th anniversary

Church of the Nazarene Africa Region
| 01 Jul 2024

The Namibia District on the Africa South Field commemorated its 50th anniversary at the First Church of the Nazarene in Khomasdal, Windhoek, in the Khomas Region of Namibia from 19-23 June 2024. Over 200 members and leaders from 17 churches nationwide participated.

The event was graced by District Superintendent Domingo Kamonga, Field Strategy Coordinator Solomon and his wife, Kgomotso Ndlovu, and several members of the field ministry team.

The Church of the Nazarene was established in Namibia in 1973. The anniversary celebration was themed Revitalising the Mission of the Church of the Nazarene in Namibia. Festivities began with music, dance, and testimonies of God’s blessings. The longest-serving missionary, Mike Shalley, virtually shared in the celebration on the opening night.

Each morning, the session commenced with workshops led by various facilitators on topics such as Nazarene identity and clergy development, post-COVID-19 evangelism, overcoming pain and healing, women’s clergy workshops, and discipleship and youth workshops led by field leaders. Evening services concluded each day of celebration.

The event was a collaborative effort of the four churches in the Windhoek area, each assigned different responsibilities like transportation, catering, accommodations, music, and media. Together, they successfully hosted a memorable celebration.

The Africa Region thanks God for the Namibia District and the many lives that have been changed in these 50 years!

--Church of the Nazarene Africa Region




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