Panama church promotes giving through royal competition

Panama church promotes giving through royal competition

by | 29 Sep 2015

The Progreso Church of the Nazarene on the Panama Central District recently celebrated the election of Queen Esther. Each year the church elects a new Queen Esther as a way to promote family contributions to the World Evangelism Fund.

This year's event began with a time of prayer for Nazarene missionaries. Following praise and worship, Regional Director Carlos Saenz spoke about generosity as it relates to attitude.

Nazarene Missions International President Angelica Quejada thanked everyone who supported this year's five participants. The girls testified about their experience in the collection month, emphasizing all they did to help their neighbors.

Queen Esther 2014 Maryorie relinquished her crown and went on to announce the finalists and the newly elected queen, Yanis, who raised funds for Haiti. The girls' nearly reached their WEF goal.

To conclude the event, the church went on a community parade.

--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region




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