Brazil river ministry continues rebuilding evangelism boat

Brazil river ministry continues rebuilding evangelism boat

by | 29 Jul 2015

Electrical installation was recently completed on Jesus the Hope, a boat on the Brazil Amazonia District that allows pastors to reach people in the area's riverside communities.

The boat has been under construction since 2012, when a previous vessel was seriously damaged in a storm on the Negro River, a tributary of the Amazon River. The storm occurred in October 2010 when the boat was taking a group of 40 people on a mission trip. Everyone survived. 

Amazonia District Superintendent Manuel Lima says “now they are expecting a miracle” to complete the boat, which needs a motor, transmission, and generator. These will cost approximately $46,000 (motor $23,000; transmission $16,000; generator $7,000).

Lima believes God will provide the necessary funds to finish the boat, which will be used for evangelization and social action in the coastal communities.

--Church of the Nazarene South America Region




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