Virtual seminary offers courses in Spanish, Portuguese

Virtual seminary offers courses in Spanish, Portuguese

by | 01 May 2015

The Virtual Nazarene Seminary, an alliance between the Church of the Nazarene's seminaries on the South America and Mesoamerica regions, began offering online courses in Spanish and Portuguese last month.

Spanish classes include Spiritual Formation (78 students) and New Testament II (62 students). The Administration of the Church of the Nazarene course in Portuguese has 56 students from across Brazil. Nearly 200 students from 16 Latin American countries are enrolled in the seminary.

The seminary strives to offer educational excellence in ordination courses through virtual modules. Through an agreement with Northwest Nazarene University, the seminary uses the professional educational platform CANVAS.

Enrollment is currently open for the next classes. For Spanish, visit For Portuguese, visit

--Church of the Nazarene South America Region




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