BGS Messages To The Church

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Reflections on the post-pandemic church

The Board of General Superintendents has prayerfully reflected on the characteristics of a post-pandemic Church. While some things will likely never be the same again, we also recognize things that were first perceived as obstacles have become opportunities and open doors for our mission to be refined and renewed.

28 May, 2021

Difference Makers

In the Book of Numbers, Chapter 13, we read that Moses sent 12 spies to check out the real estate of Canaan.

30 Apr, 2021

Do not lose heart

We suffer with those who are suffering, and we cry out on behalf of our world, for we desire for all people to see God's salvation, and we hope to see transformation in our world. Do not lose heart. Consider the full picture!

31 Mar, 2021

Under His eye, we learn

All over the world, COVID-19 is imposing changes to many ways of life. Undoubtedly, our learning is one of those places where we are able to notice the pandemic's altering power.

28 Jan, 2021

Enjoy good health

This year will go down in history for several things in different parts of the world but mainly as the year of global panic over coronavirus. COVID-19 has caused many uncertainties, including a new level of stress and anxiety. The effects of this will be with us for a long time.

05 Nov, 2020

Love and appreciation

In 1 Peter 3:8, Peter encourages the church of the diaspora to love one another. It is this love that should define the Christian community.

15 Oct, 2020

Learning through the storm

This year brought a “perfect storm” that reminds us of the story narrated in the eighth chapter of the Gospel of Luke. It helps us learn some relevant lessons for the times we are living now.

11 Sep, 2020

Back to basics

Wilderness seasons like COVID-19 are opportunities for reviewing our core identity as a church – our denominational DNA, as it were. Getting back to basics helps refocus our missional purpose.

14 Aug, 2020

The great I AM

Today, many people are anxious, worried, and concerned about the future. We wonder when or if things will ever get back to normal. In Exodus 3:7, we are reminded that God reveals Himself to us in the time of our greatest need.

17 Jul, 2020

Board of General Superintendents statement on 30th General Assembly

The Board of General Superintendents has determined that current global conditions, including health risks, restricted mobility, and lack of financial resources, create limitations for a truly global representation to attend the General Assembly as scheduled in 2021.

24 Jun, 2020

United together in the mission of God

For several weeks now, despite social distancing, the church has made creative provisions for our unity. Only God can keep us together in this way as we focus on the mission of Jesus Christ.

19 Jun, 2020

The purpose of Pentecost

The Church was born to give witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit gives the Church a voice to share the gospel to every generation, even to the ends of the earth. 

29 May, 2020

We are in this together

There may be days when we think that what we are facing is something that the world has never encountered in the past. While the circumstances may be different, every generation has had to face rough seas. 

22 May, 2020

Hope for restoration and transformation

Thank you for the many ways in which you have been a godly presence during this difficult time of our history.

14 May, 2020

Peace be with you

“Peace be with you!”

08 May, 2020

Lessons learned in the wilderness

Some have compared COVID-19 to a shared, global wilderness experience. The analogy seems appropriate.

01 May, 2020

There is nothing to fear

The fear that the disciples experienced after the crucifixion is not unlike the fear and questions that many are experiencing because of the coronavirus. 

24 Apr, 2020

Shifting our focus

The COVID-19 lockdown, as well as restrictions on travel, has had some unexpected consequences, including a decrease in pollution around the globe.

17 Apr, 2020

Sing a new song

Whenever the Israelites experienced a season where God did something momentous in their midst, they sang a new song. 

08 Apr, 2020

The Prince of Peace arrives

This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday, remembering Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem just a few days before His passion, death, and resurrect

03 Apr, 2020

Hope and prayer

Even though these are challenging times, this past weekend was a blessing in the Church of the Nazarene, as worship services from around the world

27 Mar, 2020

A pastoral letter to our global Nazarene family

To our global Nazarene family,

20 Mar, 2020

Board of General Superintendents statement on coronavirus

To our global Nazarene family,

13 Mar, 2020