

While memorization of the Bible is unquestionably a valuable endeavor, the goal of Bible Quizzing is to move the student of the Word to become an implementer of the Word. To stop at memorization misses the point of Bible Quizzing. We should be continually asking the question, “How does this passage shape how we live?”
Toward this end, in the Bible Quizzing Discovering series, each lesson includes sections to engage, explore, examine, and experience the Word of God. Additionally, Bible Quizzing is a group-focused ministry. Youth study together, practice together, and compete together. They encourage each other to stay committed to studying the Bible. They work together to help each other memorize the memory verses. They hold each other accountable to keeping Christlike attitudes throughout all of this and during competitions. Many quizzers tell stories of how a particular passage or book of the Bible they are studying has challenged them live differently.
As you study these books of the Bible, repeatedly reflect on the following questions to move you towards living out the Word you are studying.
1. What does this passage tell me about God?
2. What does this passage tell me about myself?
3. What does this passage tell me about my relationship with God?
4. How does this passage challenge or affirm the way I relate to God and others?
5. How does this passage call me to change?
We would love to hear how Bible Quizzing is helping you learn how to “Live the Word.” Email your stories to nyi@nazarene.org.