MVNU appoints new VP for finance, CFO

MVNU appoints new VP for finance, CFO

by | 30 May 2019

A Mount Vernon Nazarene University graduate will return to his alma mater to serve as the vice president for finance and chief financial officer. Scott Campbell was appointed to the position and will start 8 July.
Although Campbell will step down from his volunteer position on the Board of Trustees, his service on the board since 2014 as a member and as chair of the Finance Committee has prepared him to ensure effective financial sustainability for the mission of the university.
“MVNU provided the foundation for both my spiritual and professional growth, and I am thrilled that after 33 years I have been given the opportunity to return to MVNU to serve,” Campbell said.
The new MVNU CFO will collaborate with the president and Senior Leadership Team in the financial planning, operations, resourcing, and stewardship of the university; assist in the development of the annual operating budget; oversee human resources, accounting, facilities, IT, risk management, auxiliaries, and financial operations of the university; among other responsibilities.
“The experience Scott brings in finance strategy, and his experience supervising human resources and accounting, position him well as our next CFO,” Spaulding said. “His personality and management experience will invite collaboration and strategy for the university.”
Campbell has enjoyed a lengthy career with the Ohio Water Development Authority since 1987. He held positions of staff accountant, accounting manager, controller, chief financial officer, and executive director.
Campbell earned his Bachelor of Arts in accounting from MVNU in May 1986 (Magna Cum Laude), and he went on to receive the Ohio Government Finance Officers Association’s 2017 Excellence in Government Award. He is a former board member and current treasurer of the Shepherd Church of the Nazarene, treasurer and board of trustees member of the Shepard Christian School, and a board of trustees member for the Counsel of Infrastructure Financing Authorities.

--Mount Vernon Nazarene University



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